The objectives of the project are to:
Specific objectives:
- Identify and map candidate genes associated with enhanced iron and zinc concentrations (and low phytate content) in genetically diverse bean germplasm from the Kenyan bean breeding germplasm collection
- Build on the gene characterization and develop molecular markers for iron and zinc biofortified bean development to accelerate new variety production: varieties that are culturally appropriate for the area and cooking preferences.
- Develop a comprehensive package of information (“Toolkit”) using the social behaviour change communication for Nutrition approach incorporating “Theatre for nutrition behaviour change”, campaigns, nutrition education group sessions and farmer open days, story animations, fliers, briefs.
- Apply the toolkit to enhance the dissemination, commercialisation and utilization of information and knowledge on biofortified (Fe and Zn) rich bean varieties in Kenya across the full supply and value chains, including consumer small holders and policymakers .
- Strengthen human and physical capacities and linkages among the actors along the bean value supply and value chains including mentoring and post-graduate training.
To co-develop a tailored nutritional educational Toolkit to promote adoption of new varieties.This will be disseminated using the social behaviour change communication for Nutrition approach incorporating “Theatre for nutrition behaviour change”, campaigns, nutrition education group sessions and farmer open days, story animations, fliers, briefs etc. The Toolkit will include information on understanding the micronutrient-rich beans to address any fears and culturally held beliefs that the consumer/population hold when new knowledge is presented. In addition, it will also include nutrition sensitive marketing approaches to create demand for the variety within the value chains. To strengthen knowledge exchange, including essential skills training, mentoring and networking activities.Which is to hold an initial stakeholder engagement workshop to consult key stakeholders in the agricultural supply and value chain about the opportunities and barriers to new varieties. Information gathered will inform the dissemination and commercialisation plans. A final stakeholder workshop with field demonstrations will be used to promote the results of the project, engage with stakeholders to discuss opportunities for policy change and commercialisation, and to give all a real feel for the performance of the biofortified beans in field.