Multi-Tiered Network

FANRPAN is a multi-tiered network consisting of a regional secretariat and established national nodes, currently in 17 African countries, and growing. Membership includes government departments responsible for food, agriculture and natural resources (FANR), parliamentarians, research and farmer organizations, private sector, civil society organizations, and the media.

Network Structure and Coverage


The FANRPAN network structure is characterised by four tiers, described briefly below

  • a) MembersFANRPAN’s supreme governance echelon is the Members, being countries represented by a National Steering Committee consisting of key stakeholders that include the Ministry of Agriculture (usually the Permanent Secretary or their nominee); farmers’ organisations, policy research institutions, civil society organisations, the media, and others. The members convene through an Annual General Meeting to endorse reports from the Board of Governors and the Regional Secretariat.
  • b) Board of GovernorsFANRPAN’s Board of Governors is strategically structured to allow for an effective interface between state and non-state stakeholders at national and regional levels. Board representatives are drawn from the following key institutions; (i) Regional Economic Communities [SADC FANR Directorate; the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA); Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)]; farmer organisations (World Farmers Organisation); National Governments [South Africa – hosting the Regional Secretariat; Zimbabwe – country of registration of international organisation]; Women; Youth; Private Sector [Grow Africa/Nepad Business Foundation] and Research Institutions [University of Pretoria]. This constitution of the Board allows for easy access to policy makers at national and regional levels.
  • c) Regional SecretariatThe FANRPAN Regional Secretariat is a multi-national team that coordinates activities through the network of national nodes, and is tasked with implementation of the network’s strategic plan.
  • d) National NodesA FANRPAN national node consists of a multi-stakeholder National Steering Committee that has state and non-state representation. A local institution is selected for its focus, competence and convening power, to serve as the national Node Hosting Institution (NHI), and to provide secretarial services to the National Steering Committee. The National Steering Committee is responsible for setting the research and policy transformation agenda, including calling for multi-stakeholder dialogues on pertinent food, agriculture and natural resources issues.