Our Approach

FANRPAN Adresses the challenge of policy

development by providing platforms for state and

non-state actors to jointly participate in

evidence- based policy processes.

Key Policy Activities

Policy Research & Analysis

FANRPAN contributes to the attainment of regional and continental agriculture frameworks by conducting and coordinating research in priority policy areas as defined by the regional economic and continental bodies. Apart from generating evidence to support efforts aimed at policy harmonisation or improvement, FANRPAN translates research findings and related reports into policy options that can be implemented to aid sectoral transformation.

Policy Advocacy and Knowledge Management

FANRPAN seeks to enhance the voice of researchers, farmers’ organisations, agri-business, parliamentarians, media, and other non-state actors to assume evidence and articulate the interests in important agricultural and food policy debates such as the national and regional commitments in the Malabo Declaration. There is need to rectify the traditional notion that the policy sphere is a preserve of the state actor, with little or no contribution from the non-state actors.

Capacity Strengthening

The Capacity Strengthening strategic thrust seeks to strengthen the capacity for policy research, translation of research findings into policy options and policy deliberations at the regional and national levels through partnerships and training programmes linking research-based contributions to policy advocacy. FANRPAN’S focus on capacity building is concentrated at the country level, where the aim is to strengthen the individual and institutional stakeholders.